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Please keep close eyes on our website, social media and your mailbox as you might receive the announcement from a colleague. We will announce the next application for the DASTAN Research Grant in the near future.

How to apply?

Once the DASTAN Research Grant application is announced and application is open, applicants can start the application process through our website. The applicant is required to fill the application forms and provide at least one letter of recommendation from your supervisor/s. In addition to your research proposal, in the application process you are expected to convince our scientific committee why your project is important for our country and the world and what problems your research is able to solve. This provides you a chance to tell us why you deserve the DASTAN Research Grant.   

Who can apply?

All Ph.D. students and early career researchers in one the fields that DASTAN is aimed to support are eligible and welcome to apply for the DASTAN Research Grant. To see whether we provide any supports for your field of research please see here.  The applicant must already be enrolled in a degree in one of the Iranian universities.   


Dastan's higher-level grants for senior staff and professors will also be announced in the future. 

How your application will be assessed?

DASTAN Foundation is not directly involved in the assessment of the lodged applications. Our scientific committees in different fields rank and shortlist the applicants. Please note that the received applications will be sent to the committees anonymously. So the applicant's personal name and institution will be removed before the assessment. Therefore, we assure merely science merit assessment of all applications.

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